Abate Fetel

Abate Fetel
Abbé Fetel wächst als schwacher bis mittelstarker Baum und wird meist als Buschbaum gezogen. 'Abbé Fétel' liefert bereits früh gute Erträge. Die lange und keulenförmige Frucht erreicht (bzw. übertrifft) in der Länge 12 cm und im Durchmesser 7 cm, womit sie zu den großen bis sehr großen Sorten zählt....
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The pear is any of several tree and shrub species of genus Pyrus /ˈpaɪrəs/, in the family Rosaceae. It is also the name of the pomaceous fruit of these trees. Several species of pear are valued for their edible fruit, while others are cultivated as ornamental trees.
Mehr über:Conference

A. Kaiser

The pear is any of several tree and shrub species of genus Pyrus /ˈpaɪrəs/, in the family Rosaceae. It is also the name of the pomaceous fruit of these trees. Several species of pear are valued for their edible fruit, while others are cultivated as ornamental trees
Mehr über:A. Kaiser

Decana del Comizio

The pear is any of several tree and shrub species of genus Pyrus /ˈpaɪrəs/, in the family Rosaceae. It is also the name of the pomaceous fruit of these trees. Several species of pear are valued for their edible fruit, while others are cultivated as ornamental trees
Mehr über:Decana del Comizio

Santa Maria

Il pero (Pyrus L., 1753) è un genere di piante appartenente alla famiglia delle Rosaceae, comprendente specie arboree e arbustive con fioritura delicata e variamente colorata.
Mehr über:Santa Maria

Max Red Bartlett

The pear is any of several tree and shrub species of genus Pyrus /ˈpaɪrəs/, in the family Rosaceae. It is also the name of the pomaceous fruit of these trees. Several species of pear are valued for their edible fruit, while others are cultivated as ornamental trees.
Mehr über:Max Red Bartlett


The pear is any of several tree and shrub species of genus Pyrus /ˈpaɪrəs/, in the family Rosaceae. It is also the name of the pomaceous fruit of these trees. Several species of pear are valued for their edible fruit, while others are cultivated as ornamental trees.
Mehr über:Williams